CUET  Libraries How to use Koha

What is OPAC?

OPAC is a gateway of library services. An OPAC provides the users online access to the library’s catalogue allowing them to search and retrieve records from the online catalogue and depending on the underlying library management software, it also offers several other facilities such as online reservation, borrower status checking and so on

How to Perform an Advance Search ?

When you can't find the most appropriate material with a general search, you can move to the Advanced Search page by clicking on the Search option on the persistent toolbar. The Advanced Search page offers many ways to limit the results of your search. You can search using the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT; limit by item type; limit by year and language; limit by subtypes audience, content, format, or additional content types; by location and by availability.

Additional Fields/Limits: The first limiting section on the Advanced Search page provides a quick and simple way to use the Boolean operators in your search.

The Advanced Search page also shows the multiple kinds of limits that can be applied to your search results. For date ranges, you will type the year, a range, or a 'greater than (>)' or 'less than (<)' year. For example: 1999-2001. You could also use "-1987" for everything published in and before 1987 or "2008-" for everything published in 2008 and after.
When logged in, you can...

How to use My Account ?

You can log in and access your personal information from any computer, on or off campus.

What is Cart & Lists ?

The library catalog system provides two ways to keep track of your searches and wish list for resources: carts and lists.
A cart is a temporary holding place for records you are interested in during a search session. In order to add items to your cart, you can do it either from the results list or the page of an individual record, as shown in the previous section. At the results, you can either click at the Add to your cart option from the bottom of each item, or select the item by clicking on the check box, and then click at the Add to: Cart at the top of the results By clicking that button a pop-up window opens with all the details of the selected items. Available options are: Send via email, Download the list, Print, Empty the cart and close the window. NOTE: Once you log out or close the browser, you lose the items in your cart.
Items placed in the cart can be:
  • – Viewed as a group of items (like a List)
  • – Printed out
  • – Displayed in more detail
  • – Selected or removed
  • – Sent to any e-mail account
  • – Placed on hold
  • Lists
    If you want a more permanent location for saving items, use the List feature. You need to be logged in to your personal account. For creating or adding to a list you follow the steps for adding items to the Cart, and you click the Add to a list after having selected the desired items.
    The first limiting section on the Advanced Search page provides a quick and simple way to use the Boolean operators in your search.